N.memo for SmallApp

by pkpkTech



This App enables you to display memos to your status bar. For Xperia only.

---------------Notice---------------This app will not be updated anymore.In future please use the following new N memo.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pkpktech.nmemo-----------------------------------------This Small App enables you to display memos to your status bar.You can send the content of your memos to other apps.Even you can receive texts from other apps, and display as your memo.The color of an icon text can be chosen from 4 customizable color and eight colors which were fixed.This app only works with the Xperia.[ SmApEx4SoPr ] Small Apps extension for Sony products [ sonysmallappsextension ]---------------Notice---------------This app will not be updated anymore.In future please use the following new N memo.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pkpktech.nmemo-----------------------------------------